IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST GRACIOUS THE MOST MERCIFUL Salam. 31/3/17 We primarily get the stories of prophets either from Quran or Sunnahs of Prophet Mohammad saw. Muslim Footsteps (Source): The Messengers and Prophets were sent down to corrupt and disbelieving communities, they were tasked with the duty of guiding nations who were essentially hostile against Allah. Despite the environment in which they were placed and the provocation they had to face, Messengers and Prophets consistently emulated peaceful and patient behaviour. Many of them suffered hardship in their attempts to establish the Word of God, with opposition coming from all quarters, and often, from their own close family members. These were men who underwent extraordinary experiences in the course of spreading the Message and establishing justice on earth. As for the Message, it has been the same from time immemorial – La ilaha illallah – There is no God but Allah. This is the core Message that ...