
Showing posts from December, 2016

Christian Era Reminded at the Beginning of Their new year Hoping Another Year of Lies, Deceits, Evils & Coersions to Killings

15/1/17 Y it went thru at the 1st try? Y was it blocked on the day I wanted 2 send from the blogger apps but think allowed thru Don't understand this game! Its simply out of control....... Intended b4: Hi ……., can u please do me a favor n resend English crook Jew lover crusader trumps pix albums directly 2 me. The 2nd time, after commenting, when I reloaded the post (bcoz 1st time it wont let me copy or repost 2 public) only saw the front loading pix not the album (my comment was Qur'anic views on the Hindus must rule muslims, evil SAMs true religion Judaism n was in 1 of the inside pix where the crook was, like british, filled with preplanned evil traps for fagod match making for the future king). The evil banker crooks of Sam "shits" protecting islamophoebia thru Jews n Hindu Muslim evil acts thru evil british double role players, just like Jews n amreriicans looks for xtra adjectives 2 show their protected evils r innocent. (Msg up2 here, slightly mod...

Eid-e-Miladun Nabi Hazrat Mohammad saw

Originally blogged in FB several months bak (deleted this revised post few mins bak, luckily had 1 copied). Revised & reblogged.


06/12/16 Salam During my 52 years of age n allways a proud bangladeshi (damn! did i say that rite,  whoz pm? than wrong) now corrected bangali i never felt so low n uncertain about this nations future, again.  no, i  am not playing any political rhetorics based on some statistics, surveys, various policy affects, et al..  it iz rather a ‘gut’ feel that every conscience patriot learns 2 compute by interpreting the various components of human actions n natural laws that he has 2 live in with the lessons of history – quranic n non quranic, both.......more Revised & reblogged