Christian Era Reminded at the Beginning of Their new year Hoping Another Year of Lies, Deceits, Evils & Coersions to Killings


Y it went thru at the 1st try? Y was it blocked on the day I wanted 2 send from the blogger apps but think allowed thru Don't understand this game! Its simply out of control.......

Intended b4:

Hi ……., can u please do me a favor n resend English crook Jew lover crusader trumps pix albums directly 2 me. The 2nd time, after commenting, when I reloaded the post (bcoz 1st time it wont let me copy or repost 2 public) only saw the front loading pix not the album (my comment was Qur'anic views on the Hindus must rule muslims, evil SAMs true religion Judaism n was in 1 of the inside pix where the crook was, like british, filled with preplanned evil traps for fagod match making for the future king). The evil banker crooks of Sam "shits" protecting islamophoebia thru Jews n Hindu Muslim evil acts thru evil british double role players, just like Jews n amreriicans looks for xtra adjectives 2 show their protected evils r innocent. (Msg up2 here, slightly modified w/o changing the meanings n some added contents for the sake of an evil blog writer of White House).

B forewarned it is the cob of bho hypocrits Muslims must b proven as evils n killed indiscriminatly helped by lying judio crusader joint acts, but trump is empowered by the Hindus evil brain british royals 2b more cleverly n brutally Muslim "mofo". Bho slime ball laffing on the sidelines as an in addition 2 evil supplier. So r putin the pet 2b called in @ a time the oval evils r in need due 2 max hypocrisy 2 show change of hearts actually in disguise planned max killing. Y trump doing all these knowing all these designed by Hillary? Bcoz of the hatred of Hindus against Muslim, the british pms setups n intrusion like this 1, just when I was going 2 say evil presidency of america never forgives the humiliation of 1 presidents slave master evil bullying sorcery acts n evaluators of hindus lives n careers r more precious than Muslims, as is French 2 british n australians - no irrelevance here by the British brown noser complication expert crooks bcoz b4 citibank I used 2 work in a french bank.

Thru a single act of evil the evils can kick off blog writing (also opportunity for their mothers trained evil dirty words broadcasting for training) 2 show the world that my mind stinks with prejudice like the christians, so the world shud ignore my writings n warnings except the chosen cut n paste portion by their crusader royals n their evil servants - presidents n pms wanting religion related bizness..

Also as I hav mentioned b4 camp Israel is nothing but a british/ american base in occupied Arab land run by the jews after the prejudiced christians made them homeless after 2k years of cohabitation. So they were given the belfore fraud treaty n told 2b part of the evil plan of unlawfully grabbing arab lands n ultimately their oil resources instead of make Germany pay by assigning only 11k sq kms (size of camp Israel) for the Jews out of their vast 357k sq kms. Thus the Marshall plan of rebuilding Europe became legendary.


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