

While u might b thinking the pres john n his crook nation is not that evil afterall, the publicity moghul has also been accumulating some complain taking crusade acts for follow ups behind website give in. All prior set to b within hi-lo excruciatingly painful bharot nattom blog writing. Aft paralyzed wake up morning shock, girly acting also equally frighful back breaking attempts (pls refer to my blogs referred to these as naming just deleted blogs of 31/03/17). The mystery awaited to b unveiled until the day baster wants max revenge behind his farce give in.

This is the list the moghul has sent to his Hindu subjects to review n incorporate in Bangalore software developments;

1. Wont allow sharing website invitations to b sent to email addresses

2. Won't allow sharing pix specially video sharing within apps. If allowed, not unless certain lengthy n idiotic procedures r to b followed. Diff uploading rules for diff apps.

3. Icing on the cake for the audacious Islam reformist that teased me by showing an Islamic site redesigned extravagantly & full of be'dahs, which weren't there when a month back I discovered the site, liked it & subscribed to it. But never got their email for me to reconfirm my email address. Also seems like they never got my messages left in their site several times. It seems all done with an Aladdin's lamp n was waiting for my next decision on kitab of enlightenment. Islam to b ridiculed in the fashion of mentals. This is not my first experience of such subtle n shrewd acts of "evil" instigation by the goddamned americans.

4. Then the god of small things had brought back the colonizing issue by creating the story of wallpaper n not allowing cropping. Makes it the opportunity to illegally interfere in my cell fons setups.... now allowing so called enemies to follow him.

By the way don't get confused in the clever act of this johnny n think kitab of enlightenment has the slightest touch of this Islam hater. HE NEVER COULD, INSHALLAH NOR WILL HE EVER BE ALLOWED.

Below pic: first deleted all the comments, no corping allowed, with or w/o corp no wallpaper - complain taker president's build up to a shytwan's world. 


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