I Hear Her Silence, You Hear Her Plead
It is only Allah who guides. I sort of stumbled upon the article written by muslimah Munirah Qahtan. After reading her sheer brilliance I couldn't resist myself in choosing this beautiful & thotful dua to inshallah fulfill my urge for supplicating for all the sisters including MQ who had been compassionate & I m sure wishing me well as well.
May Allah truly make her pen mightier than doctors, psychologists, warmongers & make her a true iconic muslimah healer, peace finder, teacher & spiritual guide. We urgently need a lot of Munirah Qahtans in the ummah. Jazaki Allah Khairan.
A strongly emotional article by Munirah Qahtan:
And finally to my (MC) two elder sisters.

It is only Allah who guides. I sort of stumbled upon the article written by muslimah Munirah Qahtan. After reading her sheer brilliance I couldn't resist myself in choosing this beautiful & thotful dua to inshallah fulfill my urge for supplicating for all the sisters including MQ who had been compassionate & I m sure wishing me well as well.
May Allah truly make her pen mightier than doctors, psychologists, warmongers & make her a true iconic muslimah healer, peace finder, teacher & spiritual guide. We urgently need a lot of Munirah Qahtans in the ummah. Jazaki Allah Khairan.
A strongly emotional article by Munirah Qahtan:
As we prayed isha and taraweeh, the sister next to me quietly cried.
I couldn’t help but wonder how many sisters in that room were in pain, and facing some trial, silently, and bravely, as we came together to worship Allah in prayer.
And you’d never know…
How many were calling out to Allah for His Mercy, knowing that He is the only One who can relieve their distress, forgive them, set right their affairs, and only in His remembrance would their hearts find rest?
Trials are the nature of this dunya and everyone is facing something,
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.” Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided. Surat Al Baqarah: 155 – 157
I wanted to take a moment to write to all of the sisters who are struggling this Ramadan, who are facing trials, who feel like their hearts have been shattered into a thousand pieces…
To: the sister who cried quietly in taraweeh and all those struggling this Ramadan
The sister who is exhausted,
The sister who is heartbroken,
The sister who feels overwhelmed with it all,
The sister who feels numb, because so much has happened,
The sister who feels disconnected, from people and from her Lord,
The sister who is spending Ramadan by herself,
The sister who is lonely because she’s alone,
The sister who is lonely in her marriage,
The sister who cries every night, to her Lord, knowing He is the only One who can help her,
The sister who is unable to fast this Ramadan because of health reasons. She feels left out, disconnected from the ummah and all she wants to do is fast for the sake of Allah, but she knows she can’t,
The sister who is no longer able to make sujood because her body is failing her… as her disease progresses, her muscles have stopped working. Alhamdullilah, she can still walk – with help, but she doesn’t know for how much longer,
The sister who is struggling with invisible illness – in pain and battling to get through each day, putting on a brave face, trying to stay positive and not let the comments ‘But you look fine’ get to her,
The sister who has been told by the doctors that she only has a few years left. They don’t know exactly how long,
The sister who has been trying for a baby for years, and endures regular hurtful and probing comments from others. She knows children are from Allah, but still, she feels the pinch of their words,
The sister who has had IVF so many times, but they never took,
The sister who miscarried, again, and felt like a piece of her heart broke when she lost her baby,
The sister who is trying her best to fulfil her obligations and take care of her kids, but is so so tired,
The sister who has lost someone she loves, and she misses them every day,
The sister who was recently diagnosed with cancer. They don’t yet know if it’s spread,
The sister who is battling cancer and the treatment is gruelling,
The sister whose eyesight is fading,
The sister whose child is sick, very sick,
The sister whose child has been hurt,
The sister who is struggling with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues,
The sister who is struggling with oppression,
The sister whose world has been devastated and her life shattered by shocking news,
The sister whose marriage and home is emotionally turbulent,
The sister who is widowed and struggling to get through each day, trying to support herself and her children, one step at a time,
The sister who is divorced and heartbroken, and trying to get back on her feet, one step at a time,
The sister struggling to find work, who needs to pay the bills,
The sister facing eviction and homelessness,
The sister who doesn’t know how she’s going to feed her children tonight,
The sister from Yemen, Syria, Iraq Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine etc... whose city and country have been destroyed, who doesn’t know anyone that